THERE IS... no god no love no peace no truth no enlightment
no divine dimension no absolute emptiness
no soul no self no secret but... THIS!
LDL-Tweet, 19.12.2015
No god. No Ego. No center. NO NOTHING. No everything.
No object. No subject. No inner peace. No silence.
No awarenes. No mind. NO NOW.
LDL-Tweet, 20.3.2016
Yoga needs no special method, no special pose,
no special time or place to be practised.
Yoga is your attitude towards being: the fun to be!
Jano Zölestro, 20.4.2016 (Tweet @YogaXXL)
5.Fragment für das Buch "URRUHE", 9.2.-7.5.2016
Mindfulness is an egocentric bullshit! There's no need to be mindfull as there's simply nobody to be anything at all. EVERYTHING IS ANYWAY! (by
Pleonasmus: "NULLYOGIS OHNE GRENZEN!" Denn die Null hat keine Grenzen, der mathemathische Nullpunkt ist eine grenzenlose Lücke wie Dein Ego.
Nondualisierst Du noch oder lebst Du schon? (für nullyogisch Erwachte kein Unterschied!)
ALLES IST JETZT EXISTENZIELL. Everything is existential now. Everything is really what it simply is right now. Give reality a chance to be! (by
Practising Nullyoga means to feel fulfilled in every moment/movement. NO RELIGIOUS NEEDS: RESPECT HAPPENS! We are 1 family!
As long as you believe in anything you cannot be nondually PRESENT as the absolute mOMent is totally free of any belief - no psychic terror!
Nullyoga feels sorry for people that get hurt or killed thru terror bombing but also for those SICK SOULS that believe in brutality.
Die Achse des Weltenrads ist hohl, die Ruhe in der Mitte ist nur eine Simulation des dualisierenden Egos. DU BIST DIE BEWEGUNG der Speichen!
Aus nullyogischer Erfahrung gibt es den Dualismus Ruhe/Bewegung nicht, auch keine Simulation - wir empfinden ALLES als ABSOLUT real und wesenlos.
Es gibt keinen Unterschied zwischen Ruhe und Bewegung aus dem nondualen Lebensgefühl von Nullyogis. "Urruhe" ist nur ein Mindfuck: Mindfakt!
Was ist ein "nondualer Pol"? Ich kenne keine Pole ausser den beiden der Erde. Pseudononduale Advaita-Floskeln waren Auslöser für Nullyoga...
It's no paradox! What is "there", is NOT "not" but really absolutely HERE. But: 100% interdepending from each other...
There is no "better you" and no law at all neither of attraction nor energy exchange - vOMit your attached extra-ego and get in touch!
You must, you shall, you need, you want, if you start, if you practise - if, if, if, you, you, you MUST NOT MUST AT ALL cause you are it right now as i!
Your i is the only thing that you can feel from inside of yourself but it is no "thing" but EVERYTHiNG YOUR SENSES TOUCH!!
As long as you search for any greater truth than reality you stick to the idea of a level beyond the world, an object before big bang etc pp
Reality itself is the only truth you can find honestly. Your ego as an illusion of your thoughts belongs to this complete reality as well!
If you believe in an "experience of nothingness" as the nondual pole of truth, you are still an ego that separates infinity in two sides!
Ein Nullyogi ist transspiritueller Anarchist, denn er hat keine Ideologie, sondern handelt aus ABSOLUTER GEGENWÄRTIGKEIT. Hier passiert alles...
Wer "absolut gegenwärtig" handelt, hat keinerlei EGO-EIGENEN Absichten, da sich sein Identitätsgefühl aus ALLEM zusammensetzt, was PASSIERT...
So-called "integral" people still believe in God and so-called "non-dual" people seek for silence.
A stupid idea of esoterical people is the so-called "oneness" combined with the belief that separation is an illusion. It is much easier!
Believing in yourself as a so-called person means to separate an inside from an outside object. But all things create each other right now!
A self-person is the same result of consciousness as all other objects. The REAL person does not consist of an eternal ego-core but INFINITY.
INFINITY is neither a scientific theory nor a meditation method but just the experience of your senses if you dare to be in absolute touch!
There is no different so-called "divine" truth behind or beyond reality that can be called god or nothingness. Non-duality happens totally NOW...
THERE IS no enlightment, no awakening, no awareness, no non-duality, no liberation, no mindfullness to consume: NO PERSON to get rid of!
The spiritual problem is not being separated from the others but from yourself! Return to the absolute concrete SELF-FEELING: blood, breath!
If you allow yourself to BE whatever your senses experience, all other objects are ok as well because NO PERSON feels separated any longer!
INFINITY can not be separated in two sides (inside/outside, matter/metaphysics) but consists of everything reflecting each other right now!
If you believe that life would be an illusion or even just the dream of god, you are separated from THIS TOTAL MOMENT of absolute zeroness!
Infinity has got no dualistic opposite: Everything reflects each other on the one & only same infinite level called universe doing Nullyoga!
The ego wants to be something different than infinity. It is a "cramp of consciousness"! Infinity is neither full nor empty but EXISTENCE...
Zeroness is the simple fact that infinity has got no dualistic opposite! Therefore your senses touch the absolute truth flowing HERE & NOW...
As infinity has got no opposite it is neither empty nor full but just what it is: the COMPLETE BEING in the way you are aware of it today...
How can you seek for non-duality? As long as there is that seeking person you never understand that you experience non-duality all the time!
Stop believing that your ego is more than just a thought and feel that thinking itself is same infinite as the reflected object called WORLD.
Even your thinking itself is just a reflected object of your awareness and therefore a part of the infinite world without transcendental god.
As any object (your thinking itself included!) is part of infinity it is irrelevant to call reality illusion or truth: it is nondually (T)HERE!
Consciousness itself belongs to infinity as well as all other reflected objects of that object called "consciousness". ZERO TRANSCENDENCE...
Autistisch oder empathisch? Wissenschaftlich oder religiös? Dualismen des Egos! WIR NEHMEN DIE WELT WAHR!
Society is sick: people don't trust their senses because everything is in flow. They seek for silence beyond movement instead of BEING NOW...
Did i mention enough THE IMPORTANCE OF INFINITY as a basic experience of fucking normal awareness without super-ego?
Don't practise any method to get rid of your ego to be enlightened. As long as you NEED your ego you cannot wake up anyway. JUST TRUST & WAIT...
To wake up simply means to understand that THERE IS NOBODY to wake up but just your empty existence that was born and will die. That's LIFE!
Nullyoga is neither nihilism nor atheism because there is no person to BELIEVE in so-called "nothingness" or "no-god". LIFE needs no idea!
Although Nullyoga feels TOTALLY NEUTRAL about meaningless life, it is an attitude to say completely YES. Not to something special but BEING!
So-called "unconditioned love" is same esoterical bullshit as the belief in non-duality: we ARE separated beings, that's how we cOMmunicate!
But BEING ITSELF is an infinite process of 1 totality that is empty within itself. Therefore everything is ABSOLUTELY connected without back.
Every day is the best day of your life IF it wasn't yesterday or tomorrow. But it doesn't matter what is best IF you accept what happens.
It happened to me being involved into the german spiritual scene to understand that they are all stressed with the pressure of practising...
The spiritual seekers try to reach a so-called inner peace freedom love emptiness because SOMEBODY feels separated from SOMETHING. Silly!!!
As soon as that "somebody" reaches the goal called emptiness it happens that NOBODY is left to feel that everything IS an empty river anyway.
The river is not empty because of missing water but because the water is not frozen but FLOWING: dancing drops of the ocean called BEING...
Religions are like frozen water: people imagine that the whole infinite stream of being could be caught in an idea called god or gaia. Silly!
As soon as the so-called "soul" gets empty there is nobody to feel himself naked. To BE means conscious clothing :-)