When you look into the ocean, what do you think? Oh, god made this all? Or: there must be a beginning of it all? Or: the colour is just a psychic projection and not the absolute truth? Or maybe: water is more than the element we see? The "real" water is behind or beyond the experienced water? You stupid idiot search for MORE than THERE IS because you did not learn to FEEL THE EMPTY INFINITY OF IT ALL! Stop thinking about the ocean and enjoy the absolute nondual truth that EVERTHING IS JUST EVERYTHING - EVERYTHING IS ITSELF !!! Everything does itself... There is no source, no essence, no god, no reason, no big bang, no absolute object that gives you any answer WHAT & WHY life IS - life just IS: zooming deep into the details of the elements you find emptiness and infinity as well as far away in universe! Microcosmos is the same as macrocosmos - green IS green, water IS water, emptiness IS emptiness, ego IS ego, love IS love - but nothing is "more" (on another dimension or level or other bullshit) than what it is. There is no answer but existence itself. ENJOY NULLYOGA :-)